
Experience of European countries connected with a transformation of hard coal and lignite mining industries
- Experiences resulting from a realization of the transition process of post-mining areas in Germany.
- Management of Just Transition process of post-mining areas in Spain – successes and failures.
- Analysis of social and economic transition effects in local and regional scales based on the Czech Republic’s experience.
- Development possibilities of abandoned mines regions in the result of realizing the Just Transition process in Greece.
- Participation of the scientific sector in the Just Transition process of mining regions based on German, Spanish, Greek, British, Czech and Polish experiences.
- Strategic changes implemented in the post-mining areas in Great Britain.
- Post-mining reality in West European countries.
- Management of change after closing down Dutch mines in the area of South Limburg.
- Efficiency assessment of mining regions’ transformations on the examples of selected West European countries.
- Best solutions used in the Just Transition process (Saar Coal Basin, Ruhr Coal Basin, Northern Rhine-Westphalia, Warwickshire, Nottinghamshire, North Yorkshire, Yorkshire, Limburg, Asturia, Ptolemais Coal Basin, Most, Upper-Silesian Coal Basin, Lubelskie Coal Basin, Wałbrzyskie Coal Basin, Konin Region)
Transition of post-mining areas
- Transition of the Silesian region.
- European regulatory environment in the transition period.
- European Green Deal and documents.
- Social-and-economic aspects of Just Transition process in post-mining areas.
- Principles of Just Transition with regard to Green Deal requirements.
- Factors favourable to Just Transition.
- Barriers to Just Transition.
- Management of Just Transition process on local and regional levels.
- Determination of transition process principles and formulation of guidelines for different groups of stake-holders, guaranteeing social approvals of changes.
Green mining
- Activities of coal companies in the aspect of European strategy of methane emissions reduction.
- Effects of methane emissions from coal seams to the atmosphere – chances and threats.
- Technologies for methane capture from mine air.
- Implementation of circular economy.
Technological challenges in mines under closure
- Designing and constructing of equipment to protect underground parts of mines against hazards.
Development of electromobility in underground production plants of copper and coking coal
- Determination of implementation possibilities of fuel cells for feeding machines and equipment operated in a production process of minerals.
- Impact of balancing system on life and operational safety of lithium batteries in selected systems of mining machines.
- Development of electromobility in the mining sector as one of methods for improving occupational safety in the extractive industry.
Efficiency improvement of minerals’ beneficiation
- Efficiency tests of jig beneficiation process of cooking coal fines.
- Concentration determination of REE (Rare Earth Elements) in mine waste deposited on waste dumps.
- Tests of REE (Rare Earth Elements) in selected materials and their recovery.
- Recovery of fine coal grains from post-mining waste with use of state-of-the-art technologies.
Debate entitled: “Mining in the Future”
Debate entitled: “Internationalization of the Polish circum-mining sector – Expansion possibilities of the Polish extractive sector”